1. We believe in YHWH -- the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This is the God of the Bible and the God who reigns
2. We believe in the Messiah. Yeshua (Hebrew for Jesus) is God and man, and the Pascal Lamb for all who believe.
Faith in Messiah Yeshua brings salvation and new life.
3. We believe in the Holy Spirit. This is the Spirit of God who guides us, convicts us and encourages us in the
path of truth.
4. We believe in the Word of God. We believe that the Torah is the one and only Law of God, outlining righteous
living in this world. We seek to understand Torah and apply it to our lives. This means eating Biblically kosher
food, resting on the Shabbat (Sabbath), observing God's holy days and observing His Biblical customs. We see the rest
of Scripture in light of Torah. We seek to interpret the New Testemant in light of the Old and to understand the Word
in context.
5. We believe in God's promises. Yeshua opened the door for Gentiles to be grafted in to Israel. We
are co-heirs with Israel, by our faith in Yeshua and our obedience to His Word. The "Church" has not replaced Israel
as the chosen people, but instead has joined them as the chosen people.
6. We believe that obeying Torah brings honor to God and completes our faith in Messiah. We love
the Jewish people and our fellow believers in the Messiah (Christians). However, we are not fully in agreement
with the teachings of mainstream Judaism or mainstream Christianity. While Judaism has interpreted Torah in such a way
that it becomes a burden to many, Christianity has done away with Torah-observence in almost all areas. We view Torah
as the key to God's cycle: We see Torah as the standard, and we realize we have fallen short. We understand we
are unworthy and in need of a redeemer. We then discover the Messiah. We repent and are covered by His blood and
clothed in His righteousness. Then, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we strive again to keep Torah. We fail sometimes,
but are on a mission to be holy.
These are the things we hold dear to. These are our absolutes. There are many other theological issues
being debated today, but they are mostly "light matters." These things include the rapture, speaking in tongues, rabbinical
teaching, the two-house movement and the like.